R8 Cat. HoB 3
Probably 9th c BC (Early Lydian)
Rim fragment of cup. Buff micaceous clay. Exterior, dark brown band on upper part of cup with pendent concentric semicircles below band. Interior, dark brown band on rim.
M. Kerschner confirms that it is imported, probably ninth century (personal comm...
R8 Cat. HoB 4
Early Iron Age (Early Lydian)
Rim fragment of cup with steep walls. Buff micaceous clay. Exterior, brown band on rim with pendent concentric semicircles. Exterior surface smoothed.
R8 Cat. HoB 5
Early Iron Age (Early Lydian)
Rim fragment. Buff micaceous clay with gray core. Exterior, band of dark brown on rim with pendent concentric semicircles below. Interior, streaky brown band on rim.
R8 Cat. HoB 6
Early Iron Age (Early Lydian)
Rim fragment. Buff, micaceous clay. Both the interior and exterior are slipped with a darker brown near the rim that lightens to a light brownish below.
R8 Cat. HoB 7
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Trefoil mouth of jug. Reddish-buff micaceous clay with buff surface. Rim has thick band of dark brown paint that expands beyond rim itself; reddish-brown band at join of trefoil mouth to shoulder.
R8 Cat. HoB 8
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Shoulder fragment of jug with just a hint of the neck preserved. Reddish-buff, micaceous clay. At neck join, trace of the ends of parallel lines. On shoulder, a red band with trace of wavy line below.
R8 Cat. HoB 9
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Neck fragment of jug. Reddish-buff clay with some mica. Purplish uneven wavy line between two horizontal bands.
R8 Cat. HoB 10
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Body fragment of jar. Orangish-buff micaceous clay. Reddish-orange remains of rays (?) above broad red-streaked band.
R8 Cat. HoB 11
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Shoulder and a portion of a neck fragment. Buff, micaceous clay. Dark band on neck. On the shoulder, a streaky brown wavy line with a darker band below. Exterior smoothed.
R8 Cat. HoB 12
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Ledge rim fragment. Buff, micaceous clay; red on buff decoration. Rim has radial lines on the top. Exterior, thick red band below rim. Interior, red band below rim.
R8 Cat. HoB 13
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Body fragment. Reddish-buff micaceous clay with gray core; large inclusions. Two red pendent concentric semicircles below a wide red band. Exterior smoothed.
R8 Cat. HoB 14
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Buff, micaceous clay. Exterior, streaky brown band and wavy line on buff.